Wayne Yin

"This is my first formal English learning experience, and I'm concurrently exploring Maori culture and New Zealand history. Throughout this journey, my listening and speaking skills have significantly progressed, allowing me to communicate effectively in my daily life."

3/7/24, 9:58 AM

My name is Weihao Yin, but everyone calls me Wayne. I've been living in New Zealand for 8 months now, originally from China where Chinese is my mother tongue and the only language I spoke. Before coming to New Zealand and enrolling at DynaSpeak, my English proficiency was quite poor. However, since joining DynaSpeak, I've seen remarkable improvement. Currently, I am studying at Level 1, and I truly feel like I'm in the right place. Meeting classmates from diverse backgrounds has been a fascinating experience for me. This is my first formal English learning experience, and I'm concurrently exploring Maori culture and New Zealand history. Throughout this journey, my listening and speaking skills have significantly progressed, allowing me to communicate effectively in my daily life. Learning English has immensely aided my integration into New Zealand society. After completing my studies at DynaSpeak, I aspire to further my education at university to enhance my overall abilities. One memorable moment at DynaSpeak was when my classmates, along with my teacher Liz Maro, celebrated my 20th birthday. It was a joyous occasion that made me feel incredibly fortunate.