Teacher's Profile: Zahir Shah

"Working at DynaSpeak feels like being part of a close-knit family. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be a part of this community. The warmth and enthusiasm with which our tauira (students) greet us is truly heartwarming. The supportive atmosphere at DynaSpeak, deeply rooted in many Maori social concepts, aligns closely with nature and reality, making it a unique and enriching educational experience."

2/7/24, 11:02 AM

Zahir had always been a seeker of knowledge, his roots deeply embedded in the Pashtun culture of Pakistan. But it was the call of academia that led him across oceans to the shores of New Zealand. Armed with ambition and a desire for growth, he embarked on a journey that would forever change his life.

Arriving in 2019 to pursue a PhD at the University of Auckland, Zahir found himself enchanted by the beauty of his new surroundings. The lush landscapes and pristine environment of New Zealand captivated his heart, offering a stark contrast to the bustling streets of his homeland. Yet, it wasn't just the natural splendor that drew him in; it was the warmth of the people and the rich tapestry of indigenous cultures that made him feel at home.

As he settled into his new life, Zahir encountered his fair share of cultural surprises. Accustomed to formal attire in academic settings, he was taken aback by the relaxed dress code, where ties were a rare sight, especially in universities. This cultural shift was a gentle reminder that adaptation and openness were key to thriving in a new environment.

In his pursuit of language mastery, Zahir found himself drawn to DynaSpeak, a beacon of language education renowned for its flexible and immersive programmes. Here, he honed his English skills, embracing the power of consistent practice and gradual improvement. Despite the occasional challenges of grammar and nuanced meanings, Zahir remained steadfast in his journey, prioritizing fluency over perfection.

Joining DynaSpeak as a teacher in 2023 marked a new chapter in Zahir's adventure. Immersed in a supportive and inclusive community, he found joy in guiding students on their own language journeys. The warmth and camaraderie of his colleagues and students made each day a celebration of learning and growth.

As Zahir reflected on his experiences, he realized that his journey was not just about academic pursuits but about embracing new beginnings and seizing every opportunity for growth. With each step forward, he carried the spirit of his Pashtun heritage and the lessons learned from his adventures in New Zealand, ready to embrace whatever the future held.